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  • Writer's picturebarbedwirebetty

You're NOT Too Old

If you're like me, you spent a lot of your childhood hearing the phrase, "You're not old enough." Whether it was riding my bike to school or wearing make-up and high heels, there were way too many times when I heard that I wasn't old enough.

As I've gotten older, I hear people saying, "You're too old to..." Whether it is wearing skinny jeans with rips in them with t-shirts and sneakers or going back to college at 38, there are a lot of people who have thought that I needed to hear their opinions. Let me share some things with you that I've learned:

1) You are not too old to dress how you want to! You do you! Wear the ripped jeans and sneakers, wear the short skirt with garters and stockings, put on those leggings and hoodie. Buy the two piece bathing suit and who gives a damn about your stretch marks. Dammit! Be comfortable in your own skin.

2) You are not too old to play! I've spent hours playing in my make-up box, enjoying creating new looks and having fun. Do they always turn out the way I want? Of course not! But as one of the beauty influencers I watch religiously is so fond of saying, "It's just make-up. It washes off." I also have spent hours playing with the colors in my hair. I've changed them up so many times and I love it. But...I've also raked up the leaves and jumped in them with the dogs. I have bottles of bubbles, so I go outside, sit on my front porch and blow bubbles. I think everyone should play, but some of us have forgotten how.

3) You are not too old to learn! Do I enjoy being one of the older people on a college campus? Not always, but there are perks. I have insights to offer that others may not consider. I've got a few years on the kids in my classes so that means I have a few years of extra experience. Do they look at me as old? Not usually. They're usually pretty amazed when they discover that I'm either their parents' ages or older. LOL Of course, carrying snacks in your bag helps make friends, too. *big grin* However, I'm usually treated with respect. But I also am a bit more dedicated to my studies and sometimes overly focused on my homework assignments. And I'm not afraid to ask questions any more. My level of confidence is higher than it was when I was younger (or so I'm told) which makes me more quickly able to make friends, the majority of whom are at least 20 years younger.

4) You are not too old to fall in love! I don't know why I ever thought that my sexiness had an expiration date. But I did. I thought that once I reached a certain age, if I wasn't remarried or at least dating, that I would spend the rest of my days filling my home with rescue dogs. I was determined to be the crazy dog lady. Then, I did something fun which led me to the love of my life. A younger man! One who doesn't care that I'm fluffier than most women his own age. One who flatters me as often as he can. One who pushes me outside of my comfort zone instead of simply allowing me to be comfortable. And it always turns out well.

5) You are not too old for adventure! Jump out of an airplane if you want. Zipline through a jungle in Costa Rica. Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef (one of my dreams). Hike the Grand Canyon. Visit Australia or England or whatever country you'd like. And take pictures! Lots of pictures! Make sure you're in them. People need to see your smile, your passion, your happy!

As I slide closer and closer to 50, I'm realizing a lot of things that I always thought I'd be too old for. Instead, what I'm finding is the doors that are opening for me as I age. Maybe they were always there and I just wouldn't open them out of fear. And maybe that's what is happening with me now...I'm becoming less fearful. The girl who was scared to take center stage has become the woman who wants to actually sing for someone to hear. The girl who was always told that "Black makes you look smaller" is embracing colors in every facet of her day. The girl who used to shrink to avoid being noticed is standing up and telling the world, "Hey! Look at me! I'm taking up space and I don't need to apologize for it." And the woman who spent most of her adult life covering up the bits and pieces she hated has exposed a lot of those bits and pieces to the world. The girl who spent so much of her time feeling like less than is aging into a woman who knows, that for the right people, she is perfectly enough!

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