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  • Writer's picturebarbedwirebetty

The Tapestry of Life

I've always loved stories. From a young age, I remember my grandma sharing stories about our family. In-laws, outlaws, and some walking a fine line, she told me so many stories.

I've spent a lifetime collecting them. Probably is no surprise that I became a writer. But last night, my Boo sent me this and it caught in my heart.

Then, I was chatting with someone today who asked, "Do you know how many lives you've touched with your project? I mean, your published project." My response was "Not many." However, the point to starting this was if I could touch just one single soul with my stories and change their perception of themselves, then that's all that mattered.

So, I thought I share how people have affected my life. I cook Korean and love eating Korean food all because I fell in love with a man who is half Korean. I love various kinds of music because the people in my life introduced me to them. (My dad was old school country. My mom was The Beach Boys along with Jan and Dean. My grandma was Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole. And just recently, I've been introduced to some new stuff that I'm kind of liking.) I have inserted the word "cattywampus" into my vocabulary because a) it makes me laugh and b) because my Boo uses it to describe her parking abilities. She also opened the door to some Christian music and because of her, I see myself a whole lot differently. My ex-husband gave the love of movies and the mountains. My dad and his struggles with PTSD gave me a soft heart for our military which has led me to the love of my life. And because I wanted to simply give up on Life, but I had a few things to tick off my list first, I met the woman who inspired me to share my story which has led me here.

Everybody who has brushed across my life has had an impact in some way. From my high school English teacher who was the first one to read my writings to the client who stopped on her way out of the office the other day to say, "Your eyes are simply beautiful. Even from here, they are just beautiful."

I've always been a big believer in "The Butterfly Effect." The softest brush across a person's life has an impact. Sometimes it is merely a smile for a stranger or holding the door for someone. Other times, it can be a brief conversation that sparks that passion that brings a ember of an idea back to life.

If I've had an impact on your life, I pray it was a good one. If it wasn't, I apologize. Just know that each and everyone of you reading this affects me and makes a huge difference in my life.

My stories and my journey are just here if there isn't someone to read them. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart! You are so special and so loved!

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