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  • Writer's picturebarbedwirebetty

Never Be The Reason...

As someone who stopped singing and gave up on her dreams because she was told she couldn't do it, I am very conscious of not allowing another woman to feel that way because of me.

I used to love sharing thoughts and ideas, no matter how nonsensical they were, but being told to "Hush," or "I really don't give a shit" will shut a person down very quickly. So I stopped.

I changed who I was and retreated so far inside of myself that I felt invisible. I truly attempted to make myself the smallest version of myself so as not to draw attention. After all, I was a nobody, right? I didn't deserve to have an opinion or dreams.

Then, this amazing thing happened. I started college. In my classes, my opinions were heard and wanted. I wasn't silly for thinking outside the box. Being an overachiever was seen as a positive thing. Working hard was rewarded. And a funny thing happened...I began to come out of myself and show the world who I was.

Lately, I've been dealing with changes in my life. I've been dreaming a little bit and searching for ideas. But I have people trying to tell me that I'm dreaming too big or I need to wait. Wait? Wait for what? Is there ever a bad time to dream?

I'm not a fantastical dreamer with aspirations beyond my abilities. I'm a plotter, a planner, and a very realistic dreamer with both feet on the ground. I am acutely aware that there is only so much that I can accomplish at the moment. However, if I have everything laid out in a nice orderly fashion, then when the time comes for this dream to become a reality, I will be ready.

So, what is the insatiable need that people have to rain all over someone's parade? Is it because people can't stand to see others happy? Or is it because they're too scared to dream of the possibilities that await them if only they allow themselves to be who they were meant to be?

I've spent so much time listening to people saying that I shouldn't or couldn't do certain things in my life and I'm tired. I'm really just tired of it all. Who am I hurting with my dreaming? Who am I harming with my planning? Trust me when I say, at the moment, this dreaming and planning is what is keeping me sane. It keeps me dreaming about a future.

Life is so damn hard! And this last year has been extra difficult on people. So, I encourage you to live out loud. Dream of the new job. Dream of buying a house. Dream of owning a new car. Dream of retirement. Dream of writing a book, singing a song, inspiring others. Dream of taking your dream vacation. Just dream! This world was built by dreamers! By people who believed in a better future! Don't give up! I believe in you!

And never, ever be the reason that someone said, "I can't do this." Never be the reason someone gave up. Never stop others out of your own fear.

Dream fearlessly. Live in bold colors. Love without bounds.

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