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  • Writer's picturebarbedwirebetty

Let's Fix Your Crown

There have been several instances recently of a Queen who has had her crown knocked off. And that pisses me off!

As women, the woman standing beside me, in front of me, or behind me is NOT my competition. She is my equal. There is nothing about her that is better than me or less than me. She may be different, but she is still my equal. It is my place to give her a hand up if she stumbles, to fix her crown, and to remind her that she is quite simply beautifully made.

It seems that not every woman has gotten that memo. Because there are still some out there who feel it is alright to step on the back of a Queen who has stumbled. Or to take her crown away simply because they feel inferior. Guess what? That is NOT acceptable! We are here to remind each other that as women we have each other's back!

And it is even worse when that person is a self-professed friend. If you are my friend, you are the Keeper of my Secrets. You hold information that general society does not hold. And to be betrayed by someone hurts, but if I've let you into my world? You will find yourself on the outside looking in. And if you are a person who betrays a friend of mine? You will never find your way into my inner circle. I will not allow it. I will circle the wagons and hold my friend safe from your attack.

As women, we are taught to hate any woman who steps into our path. After all, if she's prettier than us, she's after our man. If she's smarter than us, she's after our job. If she's thinner than us, she's obviously better at life. If she's fatter than us, she's just a lazy drain on society. If she's poorer than us, she doesn't work hard enough. If she's richer than us, she slept her way into her wealth. If she's single, no man wants her. If she dates a lot, well, she's obviously a slut.

Seriously, people! This has got to stop. Most women are not after your man, your job, or your life. They've got enough on their own plate to worry about. Because let me tell you, she's heard the same crap you have. She has the same worries you have.

*clap* Listen up *clap* We *clap* are *clap* not *clap* in *clap* competition *clap* with *clap* each *clap* other *clap*! We are here to love one another!

If you see a Queen having a bad day, offer her your hand, lift her up, and fix her damn crown! That is what we are here to do! Queens do not kick another Queen when she's down. Queens do not grind other Queens beneath their heels. Queens do not climb onto a fallen Queens back to further themselves.

Instead of being her competition, be her friend, her ally, her partner and see where that leads. You might be surprised at the bond that can form when you fix her crown and help her rise into the best form of herself she can be.

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