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  • Writer's picturebarbedwirebetty

Hey There, Stranger!

Hi, all! Life has been a bit crazy this last month, but as you can see, I've been busy creating something new and fun for us!

Let me get you up to speed:

1) The new job decided they didn't need my services after all and released me JUST before my probation period ended.

2) I returned to the old job just in time to see the end of tax season and the need to find another part-time job (or two).

3) Plans I've had were put on the shelf for the time being.

4) Facebook wasn't allowing me to post links to the Blogger site that I was using for the original "What Makes You Beautiful- Going Beyond the Looking Glass," so I have been working on this website.

COVID has ruined so many aspects of 2020. Businesses are going under. People are losing their jobs. Depression and anxiety is at an all-time high. But, let me tell you the beauty that I see around me.

I see families pulling together to be families again. I see neighbors caring more about each other than some celebrity on television. I see friends helping friends. I am seeing the selflessness in humanity that I remember from my childhood.

With the world falling apart, it's so easy to focus on the negativity and the political race isn't helping matters. But could we, just for a moment, focus on the beauty in the world? We may have to squint a little and tilt our heads to the side to find a glimmer of hope, but I promise you, it's there.

I am still working of creating the Facebook group. Now that I have some time to focus on it, I am trying to figure out just how to make it work as a safe and sacred space. A space where women can laugh, cry, bitch, and share their stories without fear of being ridiculed by others.

Be patient. Be blessed. And give hope a chance to float up!

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